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You make a difference!

 When you support Cars for Keeps and our vehicle lease-to-own program—you’ll build stability, secure successful futures, and empower hardworking people to find a way out of working poverty.

Please select what method you would like to donate!

Cars for Keeps is a registered 501c3 and your gift is tax-deductible as per your local regulations, as we are a tax-exempt organization. 

Should you choose a recurring donation, you are in full control of your donation and may change or cancel it at any time using any of these donation methods. 

Donate your vehicle!

We have partnered with CARS to make your vehicle donations easy.  CARS will take care of the entire donation process from vehicle pick-up to providing a receipt and necessary tax documents.  This partnership allows us to keep our operational costs low and focus on providing vehicles that meet the needs of our qualified applicants.  This partnership also allows us to accept all types of vehicles (running or not) including cars, trucks, trailers, boats, RVs, motorcycles, campers, off-road vehicles, planes, heavy equipment, farm machinery, and most other motorized vehicles!

Thank you for assisting families to forge a path out of poverty.